Fancy a Beer?!

On Saturday April 5th, 10am - 1pm we're having a bit of a tidy up in the Nellie Carbis Millenium Woodland. The work involves clearing some nettles and brambles, trimming back some shrubs and lifting inappropriately seeded ash and other sapplings.

The bulk of the heavy work has already been completed by a team from Community Payback, so this is the lighter stuff, to be rounded off by the planting of a couple of new evergreen clematis and honeysuckle climbing shrubs.

We will be providing beer (and other soft drinks and snacks) to anyone prepared to just give us a couple of hours helping out.

The beer will be after the work is complete….

Nellie Carbis garden


If you've got your own favourite tools, bring them along, but we will have a supply of equipment and gloves.

For more info, contact our Clerk, Sue Whittam on 01772 863477 or email