Hallam - Second Appeal DISMISSED

We are delighted to be able to report that the Government Planning Inspector has come to the same conclusion as in the previous appeal that “the further narrowing of the gap between Grimsargh and Preston, at what is already its narrowest point, would materially compromise the function of the AOS* in protecting the identity and distinctiveness of Grimsargh as a village...." and has dismissed the appeal.


Hallam Land 3

The Land that we are all so keen to ensure remains open countryside and protects Grimsargh's village identity.


Grimsargh Parish Council believes the Hallam development was a major threat to the fundamental identity of Grimsargh as a village.

We are delighted that the Planning System has, so far, proved effective in defending us against this threat. We thank the large number of Grimsargh residents who have put in the time to write in and make clear their opposition to the development. We are also grateful to the Preston City Council Planning Officers - who put up robust defences in the face of very difficult questioning from the Hallam Barrister during the appeal hearing. The support of our local MP and City Councillors has also all come together to show a united and robust opposition to this development.

We hope that this will finally herald the end of this threat to our village.

You read the full details of the Planning Inspector's Decision here.


*AOS - Area of Separation - referencing Policy 19 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy.


(Item posted 10th January 2014)