A number of residents in our Village woke up this morning (21st Oct) to find that valuables had been taken from their cars. The majority of crime in our area at the moment is theft.....and nuch of it from OPEN sheds, cars and even houses! The police urge us all to take greater care to ensure doors are locked and valuables are shut safely away. Thankfully, we live in a relatively low crime area, but that can make us a little complacent.
So - lock your doors and don't make it easy for the criminals!
The police are planning to hold a "Grimsargh Day of Action" on Saturday 14th December, 10am - 2pm on the Village Hall car Park. There will be various crime-prevention items being given out and also the Dog Warden is coming along to chip dogs - all for FREE!
Some of you may wonder what has happened to PACT meetings. We've been advised that they have been suspended until the New Year. Changes in shift patterns have prevented them being held and they are reviewing an alternative format, but something should be put in their place. Watch this space.