New Planning Applications

The following planning applications have recently been received. Note that two of the three are "Reserved Matters" applications where "Outline" applications have already been passed. In other words, the development is (most certainly) going ahead and this is the determination of the details of the development. 


06/2019/1049 -  Land South of Whittingham Lane, Grimsargh, Preston, PR2 5LH. Reserved Matters application (namely scale, appearance, layout and landscaping) for 66no. dwellings and associated infrastructure pursuant to outline planning permission 06/2018/0711.

06/2019/1110 - Land to the west of Preston Road, Preston - 30 no. bedroom dementia care facility (Class C2) with associated car park, access and landscaping. This is a "Full" application - so incorporates the outline and details in one application. This is referred to as "Phase II" of the older persons village.

06/2019/1109 -  Land to the west of Preston Road, Preston. Reserved Matters application (namely scale, appearance, layout and landscaping) for an older person’s village for residents aged 55 and over, comprising 60no. bedroom care home, 60no. apartments, 20no. bungalows, surgery, associated landscaping and open space, pursuant to outline planning permission 06/2017/0676.

As stated, two of the three are already passed at outline - only the dementia care unit is a new application.

OP Village 3