We have received notification that a planning application has been submitted for “An Older Persons’ Village” within Grimsargh; planning application number 06/2017/0676. The entrance would be through the land opposite and just to the north of Nook Crescent. The site offers accommodation for people aged 55 years and over, comprising 20 bungalows, 60 apartments, a 60-bed care home and a doctor’s surgery.
The full details are available on the City Council’s website.
We sought a pre-application informal briefing with a representative of the developer and a number of our questions to them have been answered in the documents associated with the application (all available on the PCC website). We did strongly advise that the applicant should hold an open public consultation event in the village, but we have heard nothing further on that and therefore are concluding that will not happen.
We have been informed that the application will not go to the September Preston City Council Planning Committee, for administrative reasons. Hence, although the application notification says responses must be received by the 10th August, we have been advised we can wait until our Parish Council meeting in September to review and respond. HOWEVER – we have to advise other members of the public that it would be prudent to get individual responses in by the 10th August.
It is our intention to hold a public discussion prior to our normal meeting on the 7th September, starting at 6.15pm. We will welcome residents who wish to come along, ask questions and let us know your thoughts, prior to our discussions during the main meeting and submission of our response. PLEASE NOTE that only the Small Hall is available that evening, so we will be strictly limited to no more than 40 members of the public. Once the room is full, no more can be accommodated. We know these matters can gain a good deal of interest so we ask any interested groups/families to send one representative only.
As usual – if you wish to make a response to the application, you can do so by one of three means:
- On the PCC website – click on the link above and look for “Comment on this Application”
- By email to devcon@preston.gov.uk. Make sure you include the planning application number: 06/2017/0676 and your name and address
- In writing to:
Planning Department
Preston City Council
Town Hall
Lancaster Road
Make sure you include the planning application number: 06/2017/0676 and your name and address.
If you are unable to come along to our September meeting, but want to make your points known to us – you can either copy your response to PCC to us or email us your comments – to all@grimsarghparishcouncil.org
PLEASE remember you must send your response to Preston City Council for it to “count”.