Wain Homes - Latest Development Layout Proposals


Wain Homes latest layout Aug 14

As most of you know - Wain Homes won their appeal for the development off Ribblesdale Drive. Therefore they now have outline planning permission for up to 70 two storey dwellings, of which 35% are to be affordable homes.

They are now preparing their "Reserved Matters" submission - where the details of what will actually be built are finalised.

They have sent us the latest proposal for comment and we are seeking your feedback.

You can download a pdf of the NEW layout here.

For comparison, see a copy of the PREVIOUS layout here.

You can let us have your views by emailing us on all@grimsarghparishcouncil.org

We will be discussing the new proposals at our next meeting on Thursday 4th September, 7.30pm at the Village Hall.

There will be additional opportunity to comment when the reserved matters application is formally submitted to Preston City Council.