We have received notification that Wainhomes have submitted a new planning application for a further development of up to 70 homes, extending from their existing site around to the east.
The deadline for responses to this application is 5th May, which is before our next Parish Council meeting. For this reason, we have called a meeting of our Planning Sub-Committee, to be held in the Small Hall at Grimsargh Village Hall on Monday 25th April, at 7.30pm, at which we will discuss and agree our view on this application.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend. We would draw your attention to the capacity constraint on that room, that means we will be limited to 45 people. We suggest that any groups or couples have one representative attending. Please note also that the meeting will be run along the same lines as any other Parish Council meeting (see Standing Orders) during which members of the public may speak during the section allocated for public participation only. Thereafter the only persons who can speak/take part are those members of the Planning Sub-Committee.
The agenda for the meeting can be viewed here.