Hallam Appeal to the High Court
Hallam have submitted a challenge to the High Court against the decision of the Planning Inspectorate, dismissing their appeal against the refusal of planning permission for their development.
They are claiming that legal errors were made, such as to require the decision to be quashed and the appeal remitted for redetermination.
We have been advised that is likely that the case will be at the High Court by early/mid June (~ 5 weeks from the 26th April). It is usual for the case to be determined on the day.
A New Planning Application has also been Submitted
Hallam have submitted a new planning application, number 06/2013/0245, full details of which can be viewed on the Preston City Council website:
It is very important for all concerned residents to be aware that any letters submitted in response to the previous (and modified) applications DO NOT GET CARRIED OVER TO THIS NEW APPLICATION.
Anyone who is concerned about this potential development must submit a new response to Preston City Council by 24/05/2013.
Each letter counts - so it need not be one per address.
A copy of the consultation letter can be downloaded here.
If anyone does not have a copy of their original letter, it is possible to view all the documents relating to the previous application - including letters submitted, at the Preston City Council Offices.
If you have any enquiries, please email eileen.murray@grimsarghparishcouncil.org (or phone 01772 655812).
Archive Information:
The Public Enquiry into the appeal by HLM against refusal of planning permission took place on 9th - 11th January 2013. It was completed with an extensive site visit by the Planning Inspector, Mrs Isobel McCretton, together with representatives from HLM, Preston City Council Planning Department and Grimsargh Parish Council.
The enquiry heard extensive arguments from both sides regarding the legal intricacies of the case. There was strident cross-examination of the PCC Planning Officers regarding what constitutes a meaningful “Area of Separation” as now required in Policy 19 of the adopted Central Lancashire Core Strategy. Although the Policy is now adopted the precise definition of the boundary of the Area of Separation is not yet finalised and is subject to the Site Allocations DPD, which will go out for final consultation early this year.
It was accepted by both parties that there is a significant shortfall in housing supply, though there was considerable debate into the material weight that should be given to the harm that the development would cause to the Area of Separation.
Grimsargh Parish Council statements were made by Cllr Eileen Murray (download a copy here) and Cllr David Hindle (download a copy here). There were also third party statements from Alf Clempson, who spoke on behalf of Ben Wallace, MP and Longridge resident Tony Ingham (formerly of Grimsargh), who was able to call on his experience as a retired planning officer.
The Inspector advised that it would take around 7 weeks to determine the case, and therefore an outcome is expected by early March.
Previous Information:
The appeal documents - those submitted by Hallam and Preston City Council (PCC) are now available on the PCC website.
Hallam have submitted an appeal against the refusal of their planning application. Full details can be found on Preston City Council's website under the planning application number: 06/2011/0882.
Grimsargh Parish Council intend to send represetentatives to the Planning Enquiry. Our letter to the Planning Inspectorate can be downloaded here.
If you are intending to take part in the enquiry, we would be grateful if you would let us know - contact eileen.murray@grimsarghparishcouncil.org. We think it would be useful to co-ordinate our efforts.