Conservation Area Status

Project Conclusions

The work of this project has now completed, with the results of the Public Consultation being presented to Preston City Council. They have responded to say that they are not proposing to pursue a Conservation Area designation at this time, "The reasons, aside from the closeness of the results, are predominantly concerned with departmental priorities. It is appreciated though that Grimsargh does have a measure of historic landscape and buildings and that there is keen interest to protect the historic environment. We are currently underway with preparing to promote a ‘local heritage list’ and parts of Grimsargh would certainly meet the criteria."

We do expect to hear further from them on their proposals for a local heritage list.

Project Details

Firstly – you might ask “What is a Conservation Area?”. Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 defines conservation areas as ‘areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance’.

A Special Working Group was set up to investigate and evaluate the implications of Conservation Area Status for parts of Grimsargh and this group has now come back with an initial proposal - for discussion and consultation purposes.

A map showing the area of the proposal can be downloaded here.

The timetable and format for this preliminary consultation was as follows:

  • January 2013 - around 370 fliers were delivered to the residents of those properties within and adjacent to the proposed area. A copy of this flyer can be downloaded here.
  • 27th February 2013 - There was a public meeting for all residents and interested parties. There was a good debate and a lot of useful information was explained. A questionnaire was available at the meeting and further copies were also made available in Grimsargh Post Office and the Village Hall. You can download a copy here.
  • March 2013 - the results of the consultation were be compiled and analysed. The numbers in the results are as follows:

In answer to the question "Do you agree with the principle of a designated conservation area in our village?" the responses were as follows:

Residency of respondent Yes No Total
Within Conservation Area proposal 52 57 109
Adjacent to Conservation Area proposal 29  9  38
Other 14  6  20
Totals  95 72 167


At the Parish Council meeting on 4th April, the Parish Council agreed to forward the results to Preston City Council. 

Details of the existing Conservation Areas in our Borough can be found on the Preston City Council website.

Some further useful and informative documents/links are given below:

Any queries should be directed via our Clerk, Sue Whittam.